Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008 a journey begins for Mirrorlove....

We put our minds together and decided to use our talents to start a company. After leaving Chicago..I felt something was missing back here in Columbus....A love for the arts!!! Mirrorlove came about because that's how we see things. We look in the mirror and believe what you love and what you

show others is a reflection of your life. The beginning has been rough and definitely a learning experience for us both. But it's been so much fun and we look forward to continuing to captivate the talent and love of artists here in our own city and cities a far in this upcoming new year. 2008 was a reflection of many things...and we've met a lot of talented people and have witnessed some amazing events. Stay tuned as 2009 begins a new journey for Mirrorlove! 2009 is our time!!! If you have an event in your life or need any video promotional material to help you with your career, please contact us..we are here to help and to celebrate not only the new year but also your talents as well as our own!!! Happy New Year from Mirrorlove Productions!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish Mirrorlove much success for 2009. This is only the beginning.